Tuesday, September 2, 2014

My week: August 18 ed.

I'm totally stealing this idea from another blogger, Ami in Schwabenland. It's a little bit of a look into a week's time for an expat in Germany. I'm not sure if my schedule is typical or not (I know I'm a bit of a weirdo) but here goes.

I have to say that I feel busy all the time, even though my main responsibilities right now are work and Moo. However, I'm involved in several clubs so that does add to the list.

The only problem is that I'm two weeks behind. Oops! Oh well.

During the week of August 18, I did the following:

-had a guest over who developed quite the "bromance" with Moo (i.e. petting Moo while they sat on the couch and becoming besties) to the point that Moo "cried" when he left (it was very pitiful);
-went to a dinner at my favorite restaurant with 15 locals/friends and had a great time, all while strengthening our ties for our group;
-celebrated a friend's birthday and stayed out super late for a bonfire at castle ruins (which was both excellent and tiring);
-had a dental appointment where I found out that my grinding of teeth is causing even more problems (despite the bite guard);
-had a bittersweet going-away brunch with a good friend who is moving;
-attended a super fun party in which we popped over to France for a bit too.

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