Pariser Str. 38
67655 Kaiserslautern
Since the weather has been so nice, many seasonal businesses that were shuttered for winter have re-opened for the season in Kaiserslautern. I was going to have ice cream at the recently reopened Eiscafe Rialto, my favorite, but the line was out the door (it's that good!) so I decided to try another ice cream parlor: Eiscafé Roma, near the Pfaffplatz and the hospital.
There was a decent selection of ice cream flavors with fruity, chocolatey, and somewhat unusual flavors. I would guess there were about 15 different flavors with standards like strawberry, vanilla, and chocolate. I did note some flavors that aren't always available at ice cream places: blauengel (blue angel, which somewhat reminds me of Superman ice cream in the US) as well as Waldmeister, which is...well, it's really hard to describe the taste! I would have to say it's somewhat like Superman flavor, but with a slight bit of...hmm, mint? It's very, very slight so it's not overwhelming. I haven't had a similar flavor in the US. There was also creme caramel and tiramisu, for those looking for richer flavors.
Prices are 70 cents for a small scoop or 1 euro for a big scoop for a takeaway cone. Different ice cream concoctions, including the popular spaghetti eis (ice cream made to look like a bowl of spaghetti), are available.
I decided on one scoop of sahne kirsch (cream cherry) and one of Waldmeister. I hate to say this, but I wasn't super impressed. The Waldmeister wasn't super flavorful and the cherries in the sahne kirsch almost had a bubble gum flavor. I definitely prefer the creamy, very flavorful ice cream at Eiscafe Rialto (review available here), where the cherries taste like actual cherries and at half the cost of Roma's, too.
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