Wednesday, April 20, 2016

A well-timed German lesson

Spring has been easing itself into existence the last few weeks here in southwestern Germany. Even though this winter was quite mild and I even saw some bushes blooming in December, the weather was gray and somewhat cold for such a long time. Finally, the sun is back but with the sunnier and warmer weather, the trees and flowers are going nuts, bursting with pollen.

Therefore, our theme in German class last week was very fitting: allergies! It seems that most people I see, and myself included, are suffering from Heuschnupfen. As we were discussing allergies, I (unwillingly) demonstrated some of the chapter's other vocabulary, such as jucken and krabbeln (itching). My hands were even itching! I am so not amused but at least I had a real-life use for the vocabulary, right?


  1. An excellent illustration of how psychological factors affect allergy! NO, I am not saying allergies are imaginary!

  2. Or it reminded me that I was already itching my hands from before class started. I drove through an area where they'd just cut grass, with my car windows open. Then I realized how dumb that was and rolled them up.
